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About Me

·1 min
Jack Burkhardt
Jack Burkhardt
Software developer with experience in game development, systems administration, desktop app development, cloud services, and people-managing.

Hello! I am a fourth-year computer science student at Northwestern. Over the last few years I’ve been able to develop tremendously as a programmer and leader through my work at NASA, Overture Games, and Northwestern. I’m on the hunt for a full-time job starting Summer ‘24 that will let me use my skills to build meaningful projects as I continue to learn and grow.

I am passionate about using the power of computers to make fun, immersive, and thoughtful experiences. I have worked on several game projects, from small class projects like Willow’s Quest and Roadkill to full fledged games such as Intervallic and KeyWave. I also worked on the virtual reality art installation VastWaste, which has recently been featured at international exhibitions including SIGGRAPH2022 and ISEA2022.

At Northwestern I am a producer for the Dillo Day music festival and am an undergrad teaching assistant for various computer science courses. When not working on tech, I enjoy finding new video games, exploring forest preserves, cooking, and playing with my dog Sam.

You can reach me at (hello at jackburkhardt dot com). I have a boundless appetite for knowledge and would love to talk.