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About Me

·1 min
Jack Burkhardt
Jack Burkhardt
Software developer with experience in game development, systems administration, desktop app development, cloud services, and people-managing.

I make software, games, and sometimes even software games! I have worked at massive government agencies, tiny startups, and everywhere in between. Tools, systems, and production are my areas of focus, though I appreciate variety.

I am passionate about using the power of computers to make fun, immersive, and thoughtful experiences. I have worked on several game projects, from small class projects like Willow’s Quest and Roadkill to full fledged games such as Intervallic and Perils & Pitfalls. I also worked on the virtual reality art installation VastWaste, which has recently been featured at international exhibitions including SIGGRAPH2022 and ISEA2022.

Offline, I’m mostly reading, cooking, or spending quality time with friends.

You can reach me at (hello at jackburkhardt dot com). I have a boundless appetite for knowledge and would love to talk.